Network and develop relationships with Christian professionals, ministers, and students who desire to support and encourage you. Also, the counselor directory is a great referral source! “My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love.” Col. 2:2 | Local chapter meetings, the annual conferences, Journal of Applied Christian Counseling, quarterly newsletters, and connections with other counselors help you grow professionally, personally, and spiritually. “Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” Eph. 4:15 | Bless and be blessed through service and giving. Blessings are reciprocal. As you work to serve others, you are served. As you encourage others, you are encouraged. Join us in serving to build a great organization! “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Prov. 11:25 |
For over 35 years Christian Counselors of Texas, Inc. (CCT) has been supporting professional Christian counselors and therapists, ministers, and students involved in the mental health community in Texas. Connect with other professionals, ministers, and students involved in the mental health profession in Texas. As an association of independent mental health care providers, CCT provides opportunities for continuing education, fellowship, and spiritual support for its members. CCT also provides a publicly accessible professional members directory as a benefit for the general public. This directory may be used to locate licensed professionals who can integrate spiritual insights with professional therapy. |
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